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Showing posts from June, 2018

Choosing a domain name

Thinking cap on then; what is a suitable name for the blog? Not much point using my own name if I'm going to protect my address, and anyhow it has already gone to a photographer in Georgia. The next choice is whether to use a generic or specific name. As the blog is going to be a selection of random thoughts ( aka drivel) non-specific is a given. All good so far, but at this point the horror of writing stories in English lessons looms up from the past as I am presented with a blank sheet of paper. Hmm, back to the internet for inspiration. It appears that there are several ways to approach this , making a word up, jamming two words together to make a domain name, or adding a suffix, prefix or preposition to a name to make it registerable when the base word has already been nabbed. I t would be preferable if the name could have some significance even if only for aesthetic reasons so I think nonsense is out (apologies to Lear ). More staring at blank page and pencil sharpeni...

Buying a domain name

Buying a domain name is pretty straightforward these days, choosing a domain name less so. But first things first. For my purposes, at least initially, there are no requirements other than registration, which makes things much simpler. There are a few big names in the business ( 1&1 , GoDaddy , etc ) and they are all able provide many more value-added services than simple domain registration. But, as I won't be requiring these, there is a short list of features I need from a domain registrar beyond the actual registration. Firstly, the ability to transfer a domain in or out of the provider if I need to. Secondly, my need for customer support should be limited as the service is only going to be used for domain forwarding to Blogger so no real need for bells and whistle there. Thirdly, domain privacy may be of use, not necessarily for protection of my name but shielding of my address might be useful depending on where my interests take me in the noosphere . E-mail forwardin...