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Showing posts from November, 2018

Reviewing progress

Now the blog is up and running it's time to review progress against the initial goals. Which were, Get blog on-line - Done Use own domain - Sort of Blog in private mode - Done If I had put my mind to it I think I could have set the blog up in an afternoon, apart from the hiccough with the domain name. The next thing to investigate is the Blogger dashboard . But as everything is basically working it's steady as she goes.

Pickled Onions

What could be finer? And easier to make? Having done this before, you need a sack of pickling onions and some vinegar and that's it, sort of. As, when I went for the pickling jars, I discovered that last year's batch of onions hadn't all been eaten. So there weren't enough empty jars to deal with the sackful of pickling onions that had been bought from the local farm shop. In fact, there were still 3 L of onions to eat and now a further 4.5 L to pickle. Oops! A trip to Amazon was required to get some clip-top pickling jars . Once they had arrived and been washed, they were sterilised in the oven at Gas Mk I until dry, sealed and left to cool. The method followed was a mish-mash of three [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] without any spices as the pickling vinegar was pre-spiced.No sugar was added as we like 'em sharp; the lack of it doesn’t affect the pickling process though. Briefly, the onions were dunked into a large pot of boiling water for 30 seconds or so, then ...