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Showing posts from December, 2018

Eight steps to blog posting

Now the blog has reached 10 posts I have been through enough cycles to have a blog post creation process sort of worked out. Step 1 - 1 st draft text The initial drafts are written into OneNote , as that is the application that I use to organise most things. I could just as easily use word processing software ( Word , Google Docs , etc .) or even any old text editor , as formatting isn't crucial at this point. The aim of the game is to get the words onto paper (equivalent) and not worry about what it looks like. Any hyperlinks are put inside square brackets in the text so they can be copied and pasted into place in the second draft. Step 2 - 1 st draft graphics Most posts seem to be coming along with images, and this is unlikely to change unless I suddenly discover a literary bent (and am simultaneously and miraculously blessed with some ability to write fancy like). At the moment the graphics are a mix of photographs and screen grabs. The aim is to source the correct ...

How-to: Setting up a Wikipedia account

In the general spirit of solving problems there are other ways to contribute beyond writing a blog that no one reads. Whenever I come across a situation that requires me to absorb some new information, whether that be what an earth leakage circuit breaker does, or what happened to Carwood Lipton after the war, or what the legend of the Wandering Jew is about, or how to spell tonneau my first port of call is Wikipedia . It is truly a fantastic resource and an excellent demonstration of what the web can enable people to create. It has its' issues though; the strength of crowd-sourcing the entire content of the encyclopaedia is also a weakness in that less popular subjects are often not covered to the same depth that some pop-culture topics are. Meaning that it is more or less incomplete in parts. I can help. It is possible to edit Wikipedia anonymously, but adding an account is straightforward and allows other users to give feedback on your contributions if required. O...