Below the Blogger dashboard header lies the posts navigation bar. It contains functions associated with moving around the list of your posts and some basic operations for working with posts.
The bar is split into an upper and lower rank. The buttons for basic posts operations are grouped together on the left hand side.
On the top rank is a New post button that will take you straight into the post editing screen.
Next to that is the user name that you are currently logged into Blogger with.
The first button on the lower rank allows you to select all posts (even though the tool tip says 'Select all comments'). The next button allows you to label or tag posts that you have selected (more on that later). The Publish, Revert to draft and Bin buttons will act on all selected posts in the posts body.
The right hand side of the posts navbar groups together the navigation tools for your blog posts.
The upper rank allows the selection of a subgroup of posts by the label assigned to them, or by a keyword search of both the title and contents of the post. Not too important when you have only 13 posts, but much more useful when you are at 1300.
The lower rank displays the range of posts of the current list shown in the window, navigation tools for moving through the posts list and a drop-down to select the number of posts displayed per screen.
Again the interface is clean and simple. The next post will review the posts body.
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